
powerpack® is a combination of all the additives required for production of specific application. It contains stabilizers, Lubricants, Titanium Dioxide, Anti-Oxidant, Processing Aid, Impact Modifier and many other special additives. Thus, by adding our powerpack® to your resin your raw material is ready for production.

Our powerpack® is designed to give you wide range of processing window and overall cost reduction of your product. This product also gives you superior quality with up to 200 PHR Calcium Carbonate (filler) loading in select applications.

Dry Blend

Dry Blend is a ready to use mixture that contains variety of additives like heat stabilizers, lubricants, processing aid, and impact modifiers and many other special additives along with resin. Using Dry Blend you skip mixing stage of your production by directly adding the solution in your hopper. It’s perfect for manufactures that face labor problems and wants to cut cost associated with mixing.


It is essentially Dry Blend in form of Granules. Dry Blend is formed in a mixer while Granules are formed in an extrusion machine. The advantage of using granules is that it gives much higher stability and a dust free environment. Hence, many manufactures specially in CPVC prefer granules.

uPVC Plumbing Pipe

powerpack® and Dryblend are designed to produce uPVC Plumbing Pipe as per as ASTM D 1785 standard. This products also gives you superior quality even upto 100 PHR Calcium Carbonate (filler) loading.

Product TypeOur ProductDiamond GradePlatinum GradeGold Grade
PVC PlumbingpowerpackPP 222 PPDPP 222 PPPPP 222 PPG
DryblendPP 222 DBDPP 222 DBP-
PVC Plumbing Lead FreepowerpackPP 223 PPDPP 223 PPP-
DryblendPP 223 DBD--

cPVC Plumbing Pipe

powerpack® and Dryblend are designed to produce CPVC Pipes as per IS 15778 and ASM F 442/F 442 M - 19 standards.

Product TypeOur ProductDiamond GradePlatinum GradeGold Grade
cPVC PlumbingpowerpackCP 211 PPDCP 211 PPPCP 211 PPG
DryblendCP 211 DBD--

Agriculture Pipe

powerpack® and Dryblend are designed to produce uPVC Agri as per as IS 4985 and International standards. This products also gives you superior quality even upto 100 PHR Calcium Carbonate (filler) loading.

Product TypeOur ProductDiamond GradePlatinum GradeGold Grade
AgripowerpackAP 232 PPDAP 232 PPP-
DryblendAP 232 DBDAP 232 DBP-
Agri Lead FreepowerpackAP 233 PPDAP 233 PPP-
DryblendAP 233 DBD--

Column Pipe

powerpack® and Dryblend are designed to produce highest quality uPVC Column Pipes.

Product TypeOur ProductDiamond GradePlatinum GradeGold Grade
ColumnpowerpackCLP 262 PPDCLP 262 PPP-
DryblendCLP 262 DBDCLP 262 DBP-
Column Lead FreepowerpackCLP 263 PPD--
DryblendCLP 263 DBD--

SWR Pipe

powerpack® and Dryblend are designed to produce uPVC SWR Pipes as per as IS 13592 and ASTM D 2729 - 17 standard. This products also gives you superior quality even upto 100 PHR Calcium Carbonate (filler) loading.

Product TypeOur ProductDiamond GradePlatinum GradeGold Grade
SWRpowerpackSP 242 PPDSF 242 PPP-
DryblendSP 242 DBDSF 242 DBP-
We also provide customized solution for
special requirement in your application